8 Things Every Homeowner Should Know Where to Find in Their House

Knowing where these essential items are located in your home is super important. Whether you're checking them out during your home inspection or on moving day, jot down where you can find these important things in your home so you're not scrambling when you need them.

1) Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

These devices alert you to fire or gas leaks. Be sure to test them to make sure they're working fine.

Where to find them:
Smoke detectors are usually up high on ceilings or walls near bedrooms or living areas.
Carbon monoxide detectors should be about 5 feet from the floor, often in bedrooms.

2) Main Water Shut-Off Valve

This valve controls your home's water supply. It's essential to know where it is in case of leaks or plumbing work.

Where to find it:
Usually in the basement, utility area, or outside near the foundation.

3) Electrical Circuit Breaker Box

This box controls electricity flow to different areas or appliances in your home.

Where to find it:
Check the basement, garage, or utility closet for a metal box with switches.

4) Gas Shut-Off Valve

This valve turns off the gas supply to your home in emergencies.

Where to find it:
Main shutoff valve near the gas meter outside your home, and individual valves behind gas appliances.

5) HVAC System

Controls your home's heating, ventilation, and air conditioning.

Where to find them:
Furnace might be in the basement, attic, or utility closet.
AC unit is usually outside.
Thermostat is on a wall in a central living space.

6) Hot Water Heater

This appliance heats and stores hot water for your home.

Where to find it:
Look in the basement, garage, or utility closet.

7) Main Sewer Line or Septic System Access

These systems manage waste from your home.

Where to find them:
Sewer line access in basement or outside.
Septic system usually underground in the yard.

8) Attic and Basement Access

Entry points to your home's attic and basement areas.

Where to find them:
Attic via hatch or door in the ceiling.
Basement accessed from main level stairs.

Knowing these spots will help you feel more at home and prepared for anything in your new place!